Luna Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He was just angry about his life, which I could understand. It must be horrible to be in the wrong body, to have this dual identity. I knew he suffered. I just wished he wouldn't take it out on me. (3.2)

Luna doesn't have an easy time with transitioning back and forth every day. In fact, she hates it. She hates hiding who she really is and is utterly spent from the effort of it all.

Quote #2

I hated when he got this way—depressive, suicidal. His pain was so palpable, it made me hurt. Huddling inside my parka […] I resigned myself to repeating my sophomore year. So what? How insignificant was school compared to saving my brother from himself? (3.49)

Hiding her true self has really taken its toll on Luna—and by extension, on Regan. When Luna gets depressed, Regan feels her pain as well. She can't help it because she loves her sibling so much.

Quote #3

I fall to my knees and clench his shoulders' start to shake him. "You have to throw up, Liam. I won't let you die!" This comes out a screech, which makes him raise his head and look at me. His eyes are already dead. (8.64)

There have definitely been close calls with Luna, who is so depressed by her life as a trans person that she sometimes feels like she can't go on.