Luna Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He told me once there was no place for him in the world, that he didn't fit in anywhere. He really was off the scale. Boy by day, girl by night. Except, he was a girl all the time, inside. (6.31)

Society totally looks down on people like Luna—people who don't necessarily fit the mold. Because of this, Luna feels like she'll never belong.

Quote #2

The whole gender role expectation thing was too confusing to me. Why couldn't people just be accepted for who they were? (6.36)

People are seriously jerks sometimes. Instead of just accepting everyone for who they are, they end up judging people—like Luna—who aren't hurting anyone.

Quote #3

Yesterday I might've smacked him. Or laughed. Today? What difference did it make? The world was all wrong, skewed, out of natural orbit. We could never be close. (9.3)

Regan has a few prejudices of her own, namely that a popular boy will never be interested in her. Chris definitely proves her wrong on this count, and also shows her that he can be understanding and sensitive too. Swoon, right?