Luna Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Yeah, I loved her. I couldn't help it. She was my brother. (1.23)

Family bonds and loyalty should survive everything—even a gender change. Too bad their dad didn't get that memo.

Quote #2

It happens so fast it's a blur. Dad clutches Liam's hand and almost wrenches his arm from the socket. He yanks Liam toward the house. I hear Dad snarl under his breath, "We're going to have a talk, young man." (3.27)

Liam's relationship with his dad has always been a bit fraught; after all, his dad seems pretty convinced that he's going to make a normal "young man" out of his son.

Quote #3

I mean, who had time for a hundred friends? Sometimes I felt as if my brother and I shared one life. His. We were both disembodied hollows. (4.16)

Even though there's a difference in age, Regan and Liam are kind of like twins. They share everything, do everything together, and even feel each other's pain and suffering.