Luna Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He wasn't crazy about Mom's job. Specifically, her elevating her own status from Wife and Mother to More Significant Other. Not that he was sexist or anything, just boring and conventional. (2.34)

If outside social conventions are harsh, then things are even worse in the O'Neill household. Regan's dad pretty much wants a 1950s family complete with a housewife and a son who plays baseball.

Quote #2

"Why is it my job?" I flared. Forget what I said about him not being sexist. "I hate to cook. Let Liam do it if he wants to. He's a better—" (2.72)

Even though Liam is probably the better cook in the family, he's not allowed to help Regan with her chores because it wouldn't be gender appropriate. Maybe dear old dad would prefer to make himself a sandwich?

Quote #3

The gender scales didn't extend equidistant in both directions. For example, if you were a girl you could be off-the-scale feminine and that'd be fine, but if you acted or felt just a little too masculine, you were a dyke. (6.28)

Teenagers already have a hard enough time figuring out who they are without the added stress of having to worry about whether they fit inside gender norms enough to keep dominant society happy.