Luna Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Luna," she repeated softly, more to herself than me. "Appropriate, wouldn't you say? A girl who can only be seen by moonlight?" (1.13)

Luna chooses her name because it fits in with her idea of herself—it's symbolic of how every night, she expresses herself as she is. And every day she is forced to hide her real self.

Quote #2

"No." He blinked. "I mean all the time. I want to be free. I want to transition." (3.82)

At a certain point, Luna is just fed up with hiding herself. She wants to transition and live freely as Luna despite all the comments and the judgment.

Quote #3

Then it happens. She exposes herself. Lia Marie. The change is visible, noticeable, at least to me. She throws her arms in the air and begins to gyrate her hips in double, triple time to the beat. Wild, out of control, as if she's been holding back for years. (5.159)

Sometimes Luna releases her real self without thinking about it. At Regan's slumber party, Liam suddenly transforms into Lia Marie and Regan can't do anything to stop it—Luna's letting go of inhibitions and becoming the person she's supposed to be (although she hasn't yet thought to call herself Luna yet).