The Canterbury Tales: the Man of Law's Tale Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How does Custance's character compare to those of other Chaucerian pious women, such as Grisilde or Cecilia? And if you haven't read any of the other Canterbury Tales, how does she stack up against any examples you might be familiar with?
  2. Why does the Man of Law choose to narrate his tale so melodramatically? Did you enjoy the tone, or find it a bit ridiculous?
  3. Imagine a re-telling of "The Man of Law's Tale" from the Sultaness or Donegild's point of view. How might that go? Can we empathize with their situations at all?
  4. If "The Man of Law's Tale" were a movie, who would be cast as the main characters, and why?
  5. What can this tale tell us about Medieval views of religion, politics, and justice?