The Canterbury Tales: the Man of Law's Tale Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Canterbury Tales: the Man of Law's Tale.

Suffering Quotes

O hateful harm, condicion of poverte! With thurst, with coold, with hunger so confounded! To asken help thee shameth in thyn herte, If thou noon aske, so soore artow so wounded That verray nede unw...

Principles Quotes

This was the commune voys of every man:"Oure Emperour of Rome, God hym see,A doghter hath that, syn the world bigan,To rekene as wel hir goodnesse as beautee,Nas nevere swich another as is shee." (...

Fate and Free Will Quotes

Paraventure in thilke large book,Which that men clepe the hevene, ywriten wasWith sterres, whan that he his birthe took,That he for love sholde han his deeth, allas! (190-193)

Religion Quotes

They trowe that "no Cristene prince wolde faynWedden his child under oure lawes sweteThat us were taught by Mahoun oure prophete." (222-224)

Foreignness and the Other Quotes

For whan they cam from any strange place,He wolde, of his benigne curteisye,Make hem good chiere, and bisily espyeTidygnes of sondry regnes, for to leereThe wondres that they myghte seen or heere....

Good vs. Evil Quotes

"We shul first feyne us cristendom to take,—Coold water shal nat greve us but a lite –And I shal swich a feeste and revel make,That, as I trowe, I shal the Sowdan quite." (351-354)

Women and Femininity Quotes

"Oure Emperour of Rome, God hym see,A doghter hat that, syn the world bigan,To rekene as wel hir goodnesse as beautee,Nas nevere swich another as is shee." (156-159)

Lies and Deceit Quotes

"We shul first feyne us cristendom to take,—Coold water shal nat greve us but a lite—And I shal swich a feeste and revel make,That, as I trowe, I shal the Sowdan quite." (351-354)