A Mango-Shaped Space Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"Maybe you don't know what a best friend is." She steps away from me. […] "I don't understand why you didn't tell me in third grade. Or fourth grade. Or seventh. It's always been you and me against the world. I'll bet there are lots of things you don't bother to tell me." (4.173)

Oh, snap. Jenna is ticked when she finally learns about Mia's synesthesia, but not because Mia is a freak or anything. She's annoyed that her so-called BFF kept a secret from her for years for no good reason. Hey, we don't blame her—that's not what friends do.

Quote #5

I don't know what I'd do if she didn't. There isn't anyone else I would want for a best friend. I twist the friendship bracelet back and forth on my wrist. Molly and Kimberly and Sara are fine for school friends, but we've never spent much time together outside of school. (5.11)

If Jenna doesn't come around (after their fight), Mia will be lost. As she thinks about this, she worries what will happen if she's forced to make a new best friend because there are no other worthy candidates in her life. It just goes to show how valuable friends truly are.

Quote #6

It's so much easier to talk to people over e-mail than it is in person. I feel like I made a new friend, and I never even left the house! (8.13)

Sounds great, but we can't help but wonder whether one of the reasons that Mia befriends Adam so quickly is because it's all via email. We love getting them, but we'll be the first to admit that you definitely lose out on something when you're only emailing. Eventually Mia learns real friends don't just talk via computer all the time, but are there for each other when it really counts.