A Mango-Shaped Space Jenna Davis Quotes

"Maybe you don't know what a best friend is." She steps away from me. […] "I don't understand why you didn't tell me in third grade. Or fourth grade. Or seventh. It's always been you and me against the world. I'll bet there are lots of things you don't bother to tell me." (4.173)

Oh, snap. Jenna is ticked when she finally learns about Mia's synesthesia, but not because Mia is a freak or anything. She's annoyed that her so-called BFF kept a secret from her for years for no good reason. Hey, we don't blame her—that's not what friends do.

"You stayed late at your big meeting this afternoon, right? Because those people are more important than me. I bet you didn't even wear our friendship bracelet to the meeting."(14.44)

Ouch. Jenna knows how to throw a punch. When Mia doesn't show to her party, Jenna lashes out at her friend. Hey, this is all a part of the ups and downs of friendship. Sometimes people get on your nerves, but in the end, these girls have each other's backs.

"Do you think it's something I could learn?" she asks, moving her pillow so she can sit up. "I remember things really well. I'm sure I can memorize the color of each letter."

"It doesn't work that way," I tell her, trying to keep my voice even. "It's something you're born with." (10.44-45)

Mia puts it bluntly: Synesthesia is something that people either have, or they don't—there's no in between. Jenna can't learn it or stumble into it. It's just a part of who Mia is.