Marcelo in the Real World Chapter 23 Summary

  • Marcelo and Jasmine are doing dishes that evening when the Shackleford boys come to call. That's Jonah, Cody, and their father Samuel, and they've brought some Bud Light to chill with Amos, Jasmine, and Marcelo for the evening.
  • As the others begin to talk, Jonah asks Marcelo to go for a walk.
  • He wants to have a heart-to-heart. Not surprisingly, when they go outside, Marcelo learns that Jonah's in love with Jasmine.
  • Seems that's a bit of an epidemic.
  • Also, it occurs to Marcelo that all his talks lately have been heart-to-hearts.
  • They go out into the horse field, where Marcelo bonds with Kickaz in a way nobody else ever has. 
  • Kickaz, who's calmed down in his old age, still doesn't like for anyone to pet him, but he's cool with Marcelo and gives him a friendly headbutt.
  • Jasmine, says Jonah, is building a cabin on the property. It's going to be her home/music studio, and she's planning to move back to Vermont as soon as she saves up enough money. 
  • That's why she lives in a tiny room in Boston, Marcelo realizes. She's planning to come back and help her dad.
  • Jonah wants to know if Marcelo's attracted to Jasmine, but Marcelo's still trying to figure out what sexual attraction even is. It's not like he's exactly had any practice.
  • Back at the house, the old men are arguing in very graphic terms about the fact that Samuel's bull was unable to impregnate (read: get it on with) Amos's old cow. 
  • That's the cue for Jasmine to kick them out for the evening.