Marcelo in the Real World Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One of the reasons I like working with Dr. Malone is that his facial expressions are so clear and easy to understand. That one he just made, for example, is a textbook example of "baffled." (1.23)

Marcelo sees the world as one giant "how are you feeling today?" poster. You know, the ones with the happy faces, most of which aren't actually happy?

Quote #2

She's actually speaking faster than I would have preferred. There are words and phrases that elude me. But one of the things I learned at Paterson was to let people talk even though I don't understand every single thing I hear. As they go on the meaning becomes clear. (6.98)

The Real World must be so exhausting for a guy like Marcelo. To him, trying to survive outside Paterson and his family is like trying to survive alone in a foreign country where you don't speak the language and there are no horses to help you out.

Quote #3

Despite hours of practicing at Paterson, initiating "small talk" is still a formidable challenge for me. "You play squash," I finally think to say. Only I'm aware that I did not enunciate the phrase in the form of a question. (7.59)

Think about the difference between how people from America ask questions vs. the way people from England do. American questions have a rising inflection on the last word; English questions have a rising inflection on the next-to-last word. Marcelo might have to learn to recognize questions all over again if he traveled to the U.K.