Marcelo in the Real World Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Am I glad you can help me. Father is too. He's having a s***-fit because today is the last day to turn over documents to another law firm and I have to be at an orientation meeting for the new squash players." (15.9)

If Wendell's not the World Champion of Spoiled, he was definitely a runner-up in the competition.

Quote #2

Robert Steely lives in a neighborhood where the houses are closer together than where I live. (20.23)

Holmes's firing Steely for questioning him seems all the more heartless when we see, through Marcelo's eyes, that he's not as well off as the other attorneys in the firm. Apparently, Steely and his family are Vidromek casualties, too.

Quote #3

Paterson is expensive. I have heard kids say that they are attending the school on a scholarship because their parents cannot afford to send them otherwise. Without the money Arturo earns from Vidromek, we may not be able to afford Paterson. (21.37)

Or Yale for Yolanda, or a house with a huge yard. Yet Marcelo still decides to do the right thing, because Ixtel's suffering is greater.