Marcelo in the Real World Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You know how I feel about that," Dr. Malone says to Aurora. "I don't believe in suffering. If a kid is happy, understood, and appreciated, he will bloom in his or her own time. Paterson has been good to Marcelo. Look at the results." (1.70)

Earth to Arturo… paging Arturo! We'll be over here with the horses!

Quote #2

"Suffering and death do not affect me the way they seem to affect others." (4.34)

While this might make Marcelo sound a bit like a sociopath, to be fair, love, sex, and music don't affect him like they affect others, either.

Quote #3

"The only good thing about having him around this summer is that it's fun to see him miserable. He hates having to spend the summer here when he could be out racing yachts or something, but his father is making him do it, God only knows why." (6.122)

We'll admit it: we kind of like seeing Wendell miserable, too. After all, the dude kicks birds. Shouldn't he get his comeuppance every now and again?