Marcelo in the Real World Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Right. So the girl was hurt by a windshield and her parents are probably suing Vidromek. That's how the picture ended up in Wendell's boxes. You know all about suing and settling a case and all that?" (17.40)

Often lawsuits are settled out of court, which means the defendant indirectly admits fault and gives the plaintiff money to go away. It's not a great deal for either side, but it can provide immediate results for the plaintiff and save the defendant money in the long run. And if all you're after is a new face, well then it's not so bad.

Quote #2

"It was like a fire. Here. And here." I touch the top of my stomach, where my rib cage ends and then the middle of my chest. "It was like I wanted to fight the people who hurt her. But then I realized that might include my father." (17.61)

Is it right that Arturo should go down in Marcelo's flames as revenge for his heartlessness toward Ixtel, or do you agree with Arturo that he's just doing his job? Someone's gotta be a defense attorney, right?

Quote #3

"I am afraid that if I talk to Arturo, he will not let me help the girl or maybe the girl will get more hurt." (17.76)

What are the ways in which Ixtel might get more hurt? Do you think someone from the law firm is capable of hurting her directly, or will they just continue to do it indirectly by defending Vidromek?