Marcelo in the Real World Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"It's not customary to quote Scripture to someone, much less quote him chapter and verse. I think that if you're going to benefit from this experience, it's important that you try to act as is customary." (5.55)

How could such a rule-following dad end up with such a brilliantly rule-breaking son? Genetics = not always fair.

Quote #2

At Paterson no one regards me with suspicion or stays away from me because I have an interest in religion. I have to remember never to talk about anything religious while I'm here. It scares people. (6.86)

Marcelo enters the law firm trying to memorize his own set of rules: never do that, always do this. That he learns so much about nuance in a single summer is pretty remarkable.

Quote #3

"Who's Rabbi Heschel? I thought you were Catholic. I've seen you pray the Rosary at your desk… when you thought no one was looking." (11.29)

Jasmine learns something about the real world from Marcelo: people have widely varied religious beliefs and practices, and sometimes they blend religions together, which is a-okay. Not everything is so black and white.