Marked Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The sapphire Mark of the Goddess seemed to have flipped a switch and spotlighted those features; it had freed the Cherokee girl within me and allowed her to shine. (11.16)

Zoey's always had Cherokee heritage, but for whatever reason, the Mark just enhances these aspects of her appearances: her olive skin, straight nose, and high cheekbones. Does the Mark care about your ethnic heritage? Do certain ethnicities look better with the Mark than others? We have no idea, but we're guessing Nyx, the vampyre goddess, isn't racist.

Quote #5

The door opened and oh my dear sweet lord I do believe my heart totally stopped beating. I'm positive my mouth flopped open like a moron. He was the most gorgeous young lad I had ever seen. He was tall and had dark hair that did that adorably perfect Superman curl thing. His eyes were an amazing sapphire blue and… (12.54)

Why hello there, Erik Night. Your gorgeous looks are enough to make Zoey practically lose her mind. We'd say this is a case of someone's appearance having an effect on those around them. In this case, it's a totally mind-numbing effect, but hey, whatever works.

Quote #6

"Guys, he was probably just staring at my weird Mark," I blurted.

"Maybe not. You're really cute, Zoey," Stevie Rae said with a sweet smile. (14.48-49)

Zoey is dumbfounded at the thought that maybe Erik Night was looking at her during his monologue because he found her attractive. She's pretty sure that she looks freakish with her colored in Mark, which is totally abnormal for a fledgling. But then Stevie Rae leaps in, and like a good friend, boosts Zoey's self-esteem by telling her that she is worth looking at.