Marked Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My Mark had been added to. A delicate swirl of lace-like sapphire tattooing framed my eyes… I let my fingers trace the curling design, thinking that it looked like something that should decorate the face of an exotic foreign princess… or maybe the High Priestess of a goddess. And I stared hard at the me that wasn't really me—this stranger who was becoming more and more familiar. (28.90)

By the end of the book, Zoey's appearance once more changes to make her stand out when her Mark gets framed by the tattoos that are usually reserved for adult vampyres. On top of that, though, she's actually becoming more okay with how she looks. She doesn't look in the mirror and see a total stranger anymore, and instead, she sees some strange elements, but more and more she just sees herself.