Marked Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Yes, I was aware of the whole oral sex thing. I doubt if there's a teenager alive in America today who isn't aware that most of the adult public thinks we're giving guys blow jobs like they used to give guys gum […] Those of us with functioning brains know that it is not cool to be used like that. (7.81)

Okay, so Zoey is pretty shocked that she accidentally walked in on an attempted blowjob (we're pretty surprised too—this ain't your mama's YA fiction). But what we see in her thoughts on the topic actually reveals a lot about her beliefs about sex. Apparently a girl giving a guy a blowjob can only be about his pleasure, and not about hers; it's a use-or-be-used scenario. And we're not saying that doesn't happen, just that sexual encounters are probably a tad more multifaceted than Zoey knows about at this early stage in her life.

Quote #5

"My three brothers thought it was awesome and wanted to know if I could help them get vampyre chicks." She rolled her eyes. "Stupid boys." (8.66)

Stevie Rae is telling Zoey about her family's reaction when she got Marked. Her parents handled it in their own way, while her brothers immediately thought about how sexy vampyre chicks are. Are there specific ways to pick up vampyre chicks? As of now we have no idea.

Quote #6

This time I leaned into him and touched my tongue to his lip, taking the drop of blood into my mouth where it exploded—heat, sensation, and a rush of pleasure I'd never known. (17.112)

When Zoey leans in to lick the drop of Heath's blood off his lips, the result is an explosive sensation that's totally new to her. Although in theory Zoey is feeding like a mature vampyre would, we can't help but notice how sexual the description is. It brings to mind other, ahem, explosive sensations. But we're getting the impression that Zoey hasn't experimented enough to have much experience with those.