Marked Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Like our eyes were magnets to her freaky attraction, Heath, Erik, and I (and, for that matter, the rest of the Dark Daughters and Sons) stared up at her…She flipped back her hair and ran one hand down her body like a nasty stripper, cupping her breast and then moving down to rub between her legs. (28.19)

So, yeah, it looks like Aphrodite's being possessed by some ghosts who just want to lure the only human present closer so they can feed on him. Totally normal, right? But because we're seeing this through the lens of Zoey's perspective, it gets filtered through her hang-ups about sex (such as how she says "nasty stripper" instead of just "stripper"). Maybe Zoey will take a less black-and-white view of sex as she continues to mature.