My Heartbeat Theme of Coming of Age

Coming of age can mean different things for different people, and this is certainly true for James, Link, and Ellen as they navigate the choppy waters of adolescence in My Heartbeat. For Ellen it is a gradual progression of discovering herself, along with gaining a new awareness about the society in which she is growing up. For Link it is a battle of wits filled with hostility and distrust of authority figures. James, who seemingly handles everything with a graceful intelligence, coasts through the turbulent times with poise and calm acceptance. Regardless of their responses to various rites of passage, though, we can see that coming of age is no easy feat.

Questions About Coming of Age

  1. What are the different rites of passage that we see Ellen experience? Are they universal or particular to a time and place? A mix of the two perhaps?
  2. How does Ellen feel about growing up? What is her attitude toward her increasing independence and the changes in her family? What does this reveal about Ellen?
  3. Is the fact that they are getting older the only reason why Link is emotionally pulling away from Ellen?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Some people come of age more gracefully than others simply because of their personalities and ability to cope with change.

In her quest to understand homosexuality, Ellen actually ends up discovering herself.