My Heartbeat Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I never request anything, of course. I think half the reason the two of them let me spend so much time in their company is that they forget I'm there. It's why I have to hide just how much I am totally madly in love with James. It makes them notice me. And that makes them more careful around me, which is not what I want. (2.40)

Ellen is much more comfortable lurking in the shadows and observing than she is actually participating in anything, but that has to get lonely after a while, right? Eventually everyone needs a little attention.

Quote #2

Mom and Dad were always getting letters from my teachers and having to go in for special conferences. "Ellen exhibits," the school said, "an unwillingness to form any firm social attachments. There is a consistent failure on Ellen's part to connect with or thrive in any of the many groups which make themselves available to her." (3.38)

Ellen is a total introvert, which is a fine thing to be, but she borders on being antisocial. It's not surprising that school administrators have been worried about her self-imposed outcast status, but she seems to get all the social fulfillment she needs from her times tagging along with James and Link.

Quote #3

For me to go through the agonizing process of getting into a conversation with someone I don't know, it has to be worth it. One of the things I love best about my brother and James is that everything is worth it to them. They can spend an hour talking about whether or not to wear their khaki pants cuffed or hanging over the backs of their shoes. And they can make it sound as if the fate of the world depends on what they do with the hems of their pants. It's just their way. (3.40)

What Ellen has yet to understand is that if she just got over that initial hurdle, she could make friends of her own who also placed unnecessary importance on trivial matters. It's a bit sad how she finds socializing to be so painful and scary.