Nostromo Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Nostromo? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who of the following doesn't really care about the silver?

Charles Gould
Emilia Gould
Q. What metal is reportedly hidden in the rocks of the Azuera?

Aluminum foil
Q. What is Nostromo's real name?

Fidanza Capataz
Giovanni Battista Fidanza
Nostromo Battista
Q. Which of the following is the silver not compared to at some point in the book?

A disease
A mistress
A vein
A dog
Q. Where do Nostromo and Martin hide the silver?

At the bottom of the harbor
On the Great Isabel
Inside the lighthouse
In Sotillo's hammock