Paperboy Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But not one time had a grown-up except for Mam and my speech teacher talked to me about my stuttering. It's like I walked into a room with an organ-grinder's monkey sitting on my head and everyone pretending the monkey wasn't there. I barely knew Mr. Spiro but we were on his front porch having a talk about my stuttering. (5.45)

People always pussyfoot around the issue of Victor's stuttering, and it just makes things more awkward for him. He wishes that they just had the guts to ask him about it point-blank—or to at least acknowledge that it's a part of him.

Quote #5

I decided that since my parents were making me eat with all the grown-ups I was going to order something I liked no matter what. Spaghetti.

The S sound would be easy enough for starters but the P sound that backed it up would give me a problem for sure. (7.23-24)

Ugh—eating with all of his friends' parents at a sit-down restaurant is not Victor's idea of a fun evening. But he's willing to soldier through it anyway, and even decides to order a meal that will force him to pronounce a difficult word.

Quote #6

My father spoke again.

I wish he wouldn't pretend that he doesn't have a stutter. He needs to realize it's not something he should be ashamed of. (7.46-47)

Victor's dad totally worries about his son and how much he is ashamed of his stutter. He thinks Victor should stand tall and accept his speech for what it is—and tell other people who make fun of him that they can go suck an egg.