Paperboy Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mam laughed at my joke and straightened the big hat on my head. Mam hadn't been laughing much since she came back from what she called her Accident. I liked to hear Mam laugh more than anything.

We sat down on an iron bench to have an ice cream cone while we waited on the photograph. (12.43-44)

It's clear to see that Mam isn't just a family employee to Victor; she's also one of his very best friends. They have fun whenever they're together, no matter what their plans are for the day.

Quote #8

On the Crosstown bus headed back home I pulled from my back pocket the picture of the two of us and put it in Mam's hand. I smiled at her. She smiled back and soon enough we were laughing up a storm at the picture. Me with that stupid cowboy hat coming down over my ears and Mam in her hat with the black and green feathers sticking out. I kidded Mam that she looked like a peacock. (12.60)

Even though it required a few white lies, Victor is still pleased that he and Mam were able to get a photo taken together. After all, they're friends and should have some memento of the fun times they've had together.

Quote #9

I decided TV Boy would make a good friend. He wouldn't have to hear my bad talking and he could teach me how to say things with my hands instead of my mouth. I was pretty sure I would be good at that kind of talking because my baseball coach always said I had good hands. (14.34)

When Victor learns that TV Boy is deaf, he decides right then and there that they're going to be friends. He just knows that they will understand each other because they both have a hard time communicating.