Paperboy Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I went up to the guy that ran the booth and told him that Mam was going to have to go back to her home in California and I needed a picture to remember her by because she had nursed me back to health after me being about to die. I stuttered up a storm when I was telling the tale and didn't even have to make up what kind of sickness I had or why Mam had to come all the way from California. The guy took it hook and line and sinker as Rat liked to say. (12.37)

Normally Victor hates it when people pay attention to his stutter, but when he gets to the zoo, he uses it (as well as a tall tale that he makes up on the spot) to charm the photographer into taking a picture of him and Mam. Might as well use it to his benefit if he can, right?