Paperboy Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Then he called Mam a bad word.

He said it under his breath but we both heard it. I didn't know if I could ever say the word because it started with a hard N sound.But I know I would never try. Mam gave him a long look. I felt my right hand opening and closing for a baseball to throw. (12.26-27)

When Mam and Victor come face to face with bigotry, it upsets them both. Those boys use words to offend and hurt Mam, and Victor wishes that he could hit them right in the head with a baseball.

Quote #8

On they way out of the park I told Mam that we had enough money to get our picture made at the photographer's booth near the ice cream stand. She said for me to go ahead and have mine if I wanted. When I kept pestering her she told me that the people in charge at the zoo wouldn't allow her to have her picture made with me. (12.35)

Mam isn't even allowed to take a picture at the zoo with Victor. Well, this is just too ridiculous… so Victor comes up with a scheme to lie to the photographer and get their photo taken together.

Quote #9

Rat's mother had a copy of the Press-Scimitar which had a story on the first page about how more schools in Arkansas were going to start making all kids go to class together no matter what color they were and even though it caused such a big problem two years ago that the Army had to be called in. (20.23)

There's big news at the end of the book: Apparently, more and more schools across the country are beginning to integrate. Racial segregation is coming to an end at long last… even if some people don't want to stop it.