Pedro Páramo Section 18 Summary

  • This section tells us what happened with Toribio Aldrete, the guy who was hanged in Eduviges' house.
  • Pedro Páramo's administrator, a man named Fulgor Sedano, files a complaint against Aldrete for supposedly falsifying boundaries.
  • When he delivers the complaint to Aldrete at Eduviges' place, Aldrete laughs at the idea that he stole land from Fulgor's boss and says that he will use the legal document as toilet paper (in so many words).
  • Fulgor goes to sleep in Eduviges' spare room, and the last thing he hears Toribio say is that he really hates Fulgor's boss's son.
  • Even though we don't know who that is yet, we do know of one real jerk of a son that lives around Comala…