Pedro Páramo Section 50 Summary

  • A man called El Tartamudo (literally, "The Stutterer") comes to Media Luna to tell Pedro Páramo that Fulgor has been murdered by revolutionaries.
  • Pedro sends El Tartamudo to go to another ranch and send El Tilcuate to see him, and that he should go tell the revolutionaries that they can come see Pedro Páramo whenever they want.
  • He also asks what "brand" of revolutionaries they are, which is an allusion to the way that the Mexican Revolution was really a bunch of battles between different groups, not exactly a clear-cut, two-way war.
  • Pedro then goes to spend the night watching Susana sleep, or pretend to sleep. Ever since he brought her to the Media Luna ranch she spends her life in bed, suffering.
  • He doesn't know why she suffers. He just really wants her to snap out of it.