Pedro Páramo Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She always hated Pedro Páramo. "Doloritas! Did you tell them to get my breakfast?" […]

"I wonder how many times your mother heard that call? 'Dona Doloritas, this is cold. It won't do.' How many times? And even though she was used to the worst of times, those shy eyes of hers grew hard." (9.29-30)

When Dolores goes to live with her new husband Pedro Páramo, she quickly learns that she hates her position as a housemaid, er, wife.

Quote #2

"She loved her sister more than she did me. I guess she's happy there. Besides, I was getting fed up with her. I have no intention of asking about her, if that's what's worrying you." (9.41)

Pedro's jealousy that Dolores feels love for anyone besides him (including her own sister!) causes him to send her away. He's kind of a baby like that.

Quote #3

"You are sure he was the one, aren't you?"

"I'm not positive, Uncle. No. I never saw his face. He surprised me at night, and it was dark."

"Then how did you know it was Miguel Páramo?"

"Because he said so: 'It's Miguel Páramo, Ana. Don't be afraid.' That was what he said."

"But you knew he was responsible for your father's death, didn't you?"

"Yes, Uncle."

"So what did you do to make him leave?"

"I didn't do anything." (14.8-15)

When Miguel Páramo rapes Ana, her uncle questions her as to what her role in the attack was. This reveals the expectations he has for her as a young woman who must both demurely maintain her virginity but also fight against her attacker. Way to victim-blame, Father.