Pedro Páramo Section 44 Summary

  • Pedro narrates this section, and is talking to Susana.
  • He says he waited 30 years for her to come back, and even begged her father to come back to Comala, offering him jobs that he just kept rejecting.
  • He had heard through the grapevine that Susana had married after leaving Comala, and that she had subsequently been widowed and gone back to live with her father.
  • Pedro sent a messenger to search for them, and he had to look for a long time before he finally found them living in a log hut next to an abandoned mine.
  • The beginnings of the Mexican Revolution were what made Bartolomé San Juan come back to Comala.
  • He wrote to Pedro Páramo that he wanted Susana to live in a civilized place, where she would be safe from the war.
  • Pedro was extremely happy when he heard that his childhood sweetheart would be coming back home. Aw shucks. This makes Pedro sound like a big sweetiepie softy.