Persepolis Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1

I realized then that I didn't understand anything. I read all the books I could. (4.40)

After listening to a conversation between her parents and her grandparents, Marji realizes that she's simply too young to understand the adults' conversation. She decides to read, but we have to wonder if that's an adequate replacement for life experience.

Quote #2

"His father did it, but it's not Ramin's fault." (6.34)

This is important advice from Mom that young Marji is getting old enough to understand. She had just bullied a boy because of something his father did, but as she gets older, she's starting to gain some perspective. She even does the Big Girl thing and apologizes.

Quote #3

"My God! He repeats what they tell him." (6.38)

Oh, Mom. Here she is again calling attention to the general ignorance of children—they repeat what their parents tell them. We're not sure if this ever changes, because let's face it: as Marji gets older, she becomes a combination of both her parents' ideals. Even as an adult, she's still repeating what her parents say, to some extent. It's just filtered.