Persepolis Contrasting Regions: Iran and Everywhere Else in the World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1

"You think I'm stupid?!!!... I can tell by your tie! Piece of westernized trash!" (14.33)

Being called westernized is an insult in Iran. It's the most ironic of insults, too, considering how many people secretly idolize western culture, like pop music and movie stars.

Quote #2

It had been four years since I'd seen such a well-stocked store. […] Even today, after all this time, you can always find at least a dozen boxes of good-smelling laundry powder in my house. (20.38, 20. 41)

Marjane locks onto grocery stores—and detergent—as symbols of Western safety. In Iran, they can barely find bread sometimes because people hoard food due to the constant threat of war. Detergent is a sign of both safety and a little bit of Western excess. Just how many good scents can there really be though?

Quote #3

"It's wonderful to have international friends." (21.47)

This attitude seems to be the exception in many places in the world, especially when it comes to Iranians, whom many people are scared of. Lucia's family, however, enjoys meeting Marjane and talking to her about her culture. Marjane relishes the brief opportunity to be treated as a human instead of as a scary Iranian.