Persepolis Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1

Only my grandmother knew about my book. (1.31)

Marji is referring to a holy (well, holy-ish) book that she's writing herself. Marji's grandmother is the person in her family whom she is the closest to. Maybe this is because she tells her, "I'll be your first disciple" (1.31). She always believes in Marji, even at a very young age.

Quote #2

My grandpa was a prince. (3.34)

Marjane's grandpa may have been a prince, but she's no Disney princess. Instead of prancing around in a gown and singing to blue jays, she is conflicted about so many things: class differences, culture differences, ideological differences… many of these come from being in a family whose status and history are both at odds with what they truly believe in.

Quote #3

"It's a bit late to show your affection!!!" (8.24)

This is a little bit of dark comedy that only comes from family relations. Anoosh's mother is yelling at Anoosh's father as Anoosh lies almost dead in bed. Her anxiety about her son's wellbeing manifests itself in the only way she knows how: yelling at her husband.