Persepolis Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1

We didn't really like to wear the veil, especially since we didn't understand why we had to. (1.5)

The reason why women have to wear restrictive clothing is pretty much "because we said so." It's simply a way to limit freedom… and limit the ability to express yourself through your hairstyle. No fauxhawks or feathered bobs for the Iranian girls.

Quote #2

"[The police] forbade people to rescue those locked inside." (2.24)

This is a double dose of oppression here. Not only are the police locking people inside a theater to burn, they're forbidding others to rescue them. It's a brutal act that no one should have to witness. Not as bad as sitting through The Canyons, but still pretty bad. (We kid, of course. As Marjane says, you have to laugh your way through trauma.)

Quote #3

"Sometimes they put [Grandpa] in a cell filled with water for hours." (3.41)

Yikes. The regime doesn't just want to confine people; it wants to torture them. Being in a cell filled with water isn't like getting to spend the day in a swimming pool… it's like sitting in a bathtub until your whole body is so pruny, your skin almost falls off. Ick.