Persepolis Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How did growing up in Iran affect Marjane's ability to socialize with other cultures?
  2. Marjane rarely talks about her friends for more than one chapter. Why do you think this is?
  3. Marjane often uses humor to cope with difficult situations. Is this always the best course of action? Are her actions ever inappropriate? What other ways might she use to cope?
  4. The Complete Persepolis is comprised of Persepolis and Persepolis 2, which begins with Chapter 20: The Soup (no, Joel McHale does not cameo). What thematic differences do you notice between Persepolis and Persepolis 2?
  5. Which half of the book do you like better and why?
  6. Does Persepolis change your preconceived notions of Iran and its people? How so?
  7. How would Persepolis have been different if Satrapi had not made it a graphic novel? What would have been different if her story were told as a traditional memoir?
  8. Check out our "Best of the Web" section. Does Marjane Satrapi look like you'd expect her to from the way she draws herself?
  9. Have you seen the movie? How does it compare to the graphic novel?