Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Quiz True or False

1. What is the serial number of the astromech droid that helps Anakin during the Droid Control Ship attack just as it helps Luke Skywalker during the Death Star assault? -> C-3P0
2. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan is killed by Darth Vader right before Luke's eyes. What Jedi Knight in A Phantom Menace is also killed by a Sith in front of his apprentice? -> Qui-Gon Jinn
3. What desert planet do Anakin and Luke Skywalker both grow up on? -> Malastare
4. Princess Leia is kidnapped by enemy forces at the beginning of A New Hope. What royal character begins The Phantom Menace in the same way? -> Queen Amidala
5. Darth Vader and Darth Maul are both Sith warriors. What color are their lightsabers? -> Blue
