Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

Quote #7

ANAKIN: You're coming with us, aren't you, Mom?

SHMI: Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go.

ANAKIN: I don't want things to change.

SHMI: But you can't stop the change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.

There is a greedy streak in Anakin, but it isn't for wealth or material possessions. Anakin fears change and losing loved ones, and he selfishly clings to those close to him. It's a type of avarice that we can all relate to, and Anakin's inability to overcome it will ultimately lead him to become Darth Vader.

Quote #8

PALPATINE: I feel confident our situation will create a strong sympathy vote for us. I will be chancellor.

PADMÉ: I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there'll be nothing left of our people, our way of life.

Palpatine and Padmé are the yin and yang of the political world in Star Wars. Palpatine uses politics to increase his status and power in the universe, whereas Padmé uses her political power to help those in need. By the end of the prequel trilogy, Palpatine becomes emperor of the galaxy and Padmé dies… wait, what is the moral of these films again?