Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

Quote #4

BOSS NASS: Wesa no carrre-nn about da Naboo.

QUI-GON: Then speed us on our way.

BOSS NASS: Wesa ganna speed yous away.

QUI-GON: We could use a transport.

BOSS NASS: Wesa give yousa una bongo.

Interestingly, one quality Qui-Gon shares with the antagonist, Sidious, is his willingness to go outside the political system to get what he wants. Here, we see him manipulating the leader of the Gungans with his mind trick, and we'll see his defiance against authority again later when he announces he'll train Anakin regardless of what the Jedi Council says.

Quote #5

PADMÉ: I can't believe there's still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic's antislavery laws—

SHMI: The Republic doesn't exist out here. We must survive on our own.

What makes Tatooine such an awful place to live isn't the crime, sandstorms, dangerous wildlife, or risk of dehydration…. okay, those things, too, but the main reason the place is so dangerous is because it lacks a government. Contrasting the democracy of the Republic, Tatooine is ruled by the gangster Hutts, who has allowed anarchistic, outlaw justice to rule.

Quote #6

PALPATINE: There is no civility, only politics. The Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates. There is no interest in the common good. I must be frank, Your Majesty. There is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion.

PADMÉ: Chancellor Valorum seems to think there is hope.

PALPATINE: If I may say so, Your Majesty, the chancellor has little real power. He is mired by baseless accusations of corruption. The bureaucrats are in charge now.

And like any good liar, Palpatine's story infuses just enough truth to help it go down smooth. Yes, politicians are greedy squabblers, but they also have the needs and rights of their constituents to consider. Yes, the chancellor lacks authoritative power, but that's by design, ensuring one person isn't able to force the majority to his will. Granted, that's bad news for Padmé's cause, but the alternative, as we shall see in the later films, is far worse.