Pure Chapter 5 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Meeting)

  • The meeting room is small and people don't seem happy that Pressia is there.
  • She looks at the guy with the wings and remembers how he offered her grandfather a weapon for stitching him up. Her grandfather told him to keep the weapon and instead owe the grandfather a favor, which the boy didn't like.
  • Pressia sees Gorse, a boy she knew when she was younger. He disappeared a few years ago with his little sister Fandra.
  • A boy named Halpern, whose face is partially disintegrated from infections, asks if they can look in a footlocker in the room. The boy with the wings tells him to wait.
  • The boy reveals that his name is Bradwell, and he is "one of the dead," or one who is listed as dead. So the OSR are not looking for him—score.
  • He then starts to talk about "Shadow History," which Pressia describes as conspiracy theories.
  • He talks about how the Detonations were planned attacks meant to separate the inferior from the elite. He calls it, "A clean slate."
  • While he's talking, Pressia realizes that she's heard of Bradwell before. And since she has heard of him, OSR must know that he exists. Uh oh—get out, Pressia: get out.
  • Bradwell goes on about how it's important to remember things that they don't want to, like how his parents (both were professors) were shot to death in their beds.
  • After his parents were shot, he was shipped out to live with his aunt and uncle. His uncle was promised three spots in the Dome.
  • But before they could get to the dome, the Detonations occurred and Bradwell was fused with a bird and his skin was burned and blistered. His uncle was fused with a car engine.
  • After his story, they open the footlocker and take out pieces of paper. Pressia tries to leave, but Bradwell tells her the door is locked.
  • She talks to Gorse (who she used to be friends with), and he implies that Fandra is dead.
  • Pressia goes to the footlocker and looks at the images of the papers. They are filled with beautiful pictures of happy people in 3-D glasses and dogs in sunglasses and boxes with jewelry in them.
  • Pressia gets mad at Bradwell and says these images are proof of the past. He says it's all a lie, and that Shadow History is the truth. Can't we all just get along?
  • Pressia gets angry again and leaves.
  • Bradwell lied about the door being locked. What a trickster.