Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

Normally the newsfeeds didn't interrupt everyone's interactive sitcoms and soap operas unless something really major happened. (0.3)

Everyone's looking for a way to escape, and most people are using some form of media to do it, even if it isn't the OASIS. Wait a second… that sounds eerily familiar.

Growing up as a human being on the planet Earth in the twenty-first century was a real kick in the teeth. Existentially speaking. (1.16)

Wade goes on a diatribe early on about how terrible the Earth is. We can sum it for you with these five words: life stinks, then you die. With that kind of attitude, no wonder he's so eager to wash his hands of the place and fly off into space.

Things used to be awesome, but now they're kinda terrifying. (1.19)

We wonder when this awesome "used to be" actually was. In the '80s, amidst the Cold War, the discovery of AIDS in the U.S., and the murder of John Lennon? Just because there was a lot of incredible pop culture doesn't mean the world was a better place. The grass is always greener in the past. But let's not forget the fashion disasters that plagued the '80s, too.