Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

The real world sucked. (1.35)

This is Wade's opinion. If there is anything worthwhile about the real world that he's so dissatisfied with, he doesn't share it with us. But come on, there must be something redeemable.

The real public school system, the one run by the government, had been an underfunded, overcrowded train wreck for decades. (2.23)

We're not sure if all the good teachers just moved over to the OASIS and let the public school system continue to decay, or if a few stayed behind to try and fight the noble fight for education. Either way, we're starting to realize that Wade's beefs with the real world sound a lot like some of the political discourse we're hearing today.

Even the fast-food joints in my neighborhood had a two-year waiting list for job applicants. (4.28)

You know things are bad when people are on a waiting list to get a job at Burger King. Which came first? This bad economy or the general population's apathy toward life?