Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

My avatar's level and hit-point counters both had infinity symbols in front of them. (38.42)

If Wade himself can't achieve eternal life (and who knows, maybe he can with his zillions of dollars), at least his avatar is immortal. Except, if there's no one left to control it, does it technically exist?

Playing old videogames never failed to clear my mind and set me at ease. [...] There, inside the game's two-dimensional universe, life was simple. (1.7)

Even though Wade is miserable in his aunt's trailer, he's able to escape and feel safe inside the world of a videogame. Home is where the (virtual) heart is, we guess.

I always found myself imagining that I lived in that warm, well-lit house [on Family Ties], and that those smiling, understanding people were my family. (1.10)

Wade feels safe imagining he's home with the Keaton family. Wade's real life is so terrible, he'd probably feel safe at home watching Breaking Bad.