Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

No one could even touch me. In [the OASIS], I was safe. (2.26)

Safety is a big priority for Wade, and is probably the main word he would use to define a "home." But is any place really safe? Even in the OASIS, very real dangers surface—it's just that their consequences affect the real world, rather than the virtual one.

I hated being stuck in a safe zone. (4.23)

This must be Wade puffing out his chest and trying to act all macho for us. We see right through it. His biggest hope in life is to find a safe zone of his own, a place he really feels at home. For now, that place only exists in the OASIS.

I wouldn't have to be paranoid about [IOI] monitoring my connection or trying to trace my location. I would be safe. (16.21)

Home is a fast internet connection. No, this isn't just advertising propaganda for your local ISP. When Wade's home is online, it's important to have a fast, safe connection so that his avatar doesn't get any glitches.