Schindler's List Scene 29 Summary

  • Oskar makes a deal with Goeth to buy back his Jews with his own money and take them to Czechoslovakia to open a new munitions factory.
  • Goeth's trying to figure out why his friend cares about his workers at all. They're Jews.
  • He finally agrees to sell the prisoners to him, suspecting that Oskar's got some financial angle he's not telling him about.
  • Oskar's saying nothing about his newly discovered humanitarian instincts. It's just good business, he tells Goeth.
  • Oskar and Stern get to work making a list of Jews to be brought to his new factory.
  • Stern's shocked to realize that Oskar is buying each and every Jewish prisoner with his personal fortune. He can't believe he's doing this.
  • Oskar tells Goeth that he wants to take Helen back to his new factory to be his housemaid. He tries to win her in a game of cards with Goeth.
  • Goeth doesn't want to give her up—he wants to "grow old with her." Since he knows he can't do that, he'll just take her outside and shoot her in the back of the head.
  • He relents, and pays Oskar for Helen.