Schindler's List Scene 4 Summary

  • A young boy marches along with the Nazi soldiers in tight formation. We see scenes of happy children intercut with Nazis tormenting the local Jewry.
  • Soldiers laugh as they taunt a group of Jewish men by removing their payos—the long side curls grown by Orthodox Jewish men.
  • Outside the Judenrat (local Jewish councils organized to carry out the Nazis' orders) Schindler walks past a long line of Jews wearing armbands identifying them as Jews.
  • The recently displaced people are trying to register for work, housing and food.
  • It's a totally chaotic scene. People are desperate.
  • Schindler arrives and demands to see Itzak Stern.
  • Stern takes Schindler to a private office where Oskar asks him about Jewish investors, he and offers Stern the job of running his company. Stern ran the factory when it was owned by the Jews it was stolen from.
  • Oskar's cooked up a scheme to entice wealthy Jewish investors in a world where they've lost their status as human beings. They're no longer allowed to own businesses, and Oskar Schindler knows just where to squeeze.