Guilt and Blame Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Ma kept crying and apologizing. (1.23)

Maybe Dolores subconsciously learns her way of accepting blame for everything (especially men's actions) from her mother, who here is crying and apologizing after her own husband lashes out at her.

Quote #2

[Ma] was searching my face for the truth. The truth, as I saw it, was that Daddy wouldn't have left if she hadn't always been Miss Doom and Gloom. (2.201)

Dolores blames her mother, and solely her mother, for her parents' divorce, seeming to forget that her dad was an abusive philanderer who holds more than his fair share of the blame.

Quote #3

"She didn't even cry for her own kid?" (5.96)

Dolores can't believe that Grandma didn't cry when Uncle Eddie died. She sees her as a cold, unfeeling woman, and her lack of emotion is probably partly to blame for Ma's difficulty in dealing with her own feelings.