Jealousy Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wanted my father to be at home laughing with Ma on Saturday afternoons, instead of with Mrs. Masciotte. (1.38)

This is kind of jealousy by proxy. Dolores wants her mom and dad to be at home happy together, instead of her dad giving so much attention to his employer.

Quote #2

I hated Petey—fantasized about his flying accidentally out a window or into the electric fan so that his spell over Ma would be broken. (2.11)

Yes, Dolores is even jealous of a bird. A bird!

Quote #3

"[Rita] has an ugly mouth." (5.78)

This is one of Dolores's least charming characteristics. When she feels jealous of someone else, in this case Jack's wife Rita, she says negative things about them to make herself feel better. Stay classy, Delores.