Stargirl Leo Borlock Quotes

Look at you. It's Saturday. I've been with you all day, and you've spent the whole day doing stuff for other people. Or taking pictures of other people" (22.69).

Leo is amazed at Stargirl's endless capacity to care about so many people and her unending energy to do so. But don't you kind of wish Stargirl's love were a little more commonplace?

Leo Borlock

Quote 20

She looked like a hundred other girls at Mica High. Stargirl had vanished into a sea of them, and I was thrilled… I grabbed her and squeezed her. I had never been so happy and so proud in my life (26.7).

Love makes you do some crazy stuff, but losing your identity because some dude doesn't like the real you is the most tragic of all. Leo may be thrilled, but just look at the word choice. She has vanished. How is that a good thing?

Leo Borlock

Quote 21

Kevin Quinlan and I usually agreed on everything. We had been best friends since arriving in Arizona the same week for four years before. We both thought the prickly pear cactus looked like Ping-Pong paddles with whiskers, and that saguaros looked like dinosaur mittens. We both loved strawberry-banana smoothies (3.15)

How important is it in a friendship to like a lot of the same things? Is it okay to disagree on some things, too? Kevin and Leo seem like great friends, but by the end of the novel, we're wondering if their friendship was based entirely on having things in common, and nothing deeper.