Stargirl Leo Borlock Quotes

Leo Borlock

Quote 22

The change began around Thanksgiving. By December first, Stargirl Caraway had become the most popular person in school (8.1).

Stargirl may have become the most popular girl in school, but we have to ask: does she actually have any friends? We're betting that all her followers would consider themselves friends of hers, but we're thinking Dori is the only true one.

Leo Borlock

Quote 23

In my homeroom, when the announcement came over the PA about Stargirl winning the district title, I was about to let out a cheer, but I caught myself. Several people booed (20.3).

Are Leo's actions in this situation the actions of a friend? What would a good friend have done in this situation? Cheered anyway, perhaps?

Leo Borlock

Quote 24

I understood why this was happening to me. In the eyes of the student body, she was part of my identity. I was "her boyfriend." I was Mr. Stargirl (23.5).

Calm down, Leo. There are worse things in the world than being Mr. Stargirl. Despite the dramatics, Leo is actually touching upon a pretty important truth here. The people that we surround ourselves with reflect who we are in many ways. If we surround ourselves with people who lie, cheat, and steal, we are saying that those things are acceptable and fine with us. If we surround ourselves with people who are kind and interesting, then that is what we are saying is acceptable to us.