Stolen Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section Break.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Why do I recognize you?"

"I told you, I've been following you."

"That's just creepy."

You shrugged.

I leaned forward on the couch. "But I recognize you, too. And that's creepier. Why?"

You smiled. "I lived nearby." (46.6-11)

Okay. He stalked Gemma and her family, memorized her favorite things, and then moved near her. Maybe this all makes sense in Ty's mind, but the whole thing is pretty deranged.

Quote #8

But you heard. Your face was right beside the window, your hands pressing against the glass and clawing at the door, your eyes hard. I pushed the accelerator farther down […]

"Gemma, don't do this," you were shouting, your voice firm and commanding. "You can't do this." (54.12-13)

Ty sounds like an animal bent on catching his prey as he tries to get Gemma to stop the car. Clearly, his obsession with her is so great that it inspires this kind of desperate behavior.

Quote #9

You were naked. But you were so covered with paint and sand, flowers and leaves, that I didn't notice right away. The paint and textures covered you like clothes. Your face was a light red color with orange and yellow dots and swirls all over it. Your lips were dark brown. A gray, granite texture covered your legs […] You looked crazy like that, but beautiful, too. (76.2)

Is Ty's art and painting of his body a part of his peculiar personality or his madness? We don't really know, but regardless, Gemma sees something in it that points to him being someone who's passionate and expressive.